Rough/Dry Skin
Rough, dry skin is usually the result of a lack of moisture and leaves skin looking and feeling flaky, rough and sometimes irritated and itchy. Moisture in the skin can sometimes be stripped by frequent showers, harsh chemicals, cold, dry air or medical conditions. The key to fresh smooth skin is exfoliation coupled with hydration and can be achieved through multiple treatments we offer at Lux Laser & Aesthetics.
Treatments for Rough/Dry Skin
There are a number of treatments we can recommend for rough/dry skin:
This technique creates skin micro-trauma that leads to an intense collagen stimulating process to more youthful appearance.
The V2 Skin Booster is a regenerative treatment that assists in replenishing lost hydration and nutrients to the skin.
Using the latest innovative and patented technology, HydraFacial delivers amazing results in three simple steps.
We offer a selection of cosmetic grade peels targeted to various skin concerns with visible results after just one treatment.